
Sunday, September 12, 2004

A day on the Ganga:
Body floating down the river in the dawn light, relatives running along the bank. A young boy, in some pain, suddenly turns to the river and deposits a healthy dose of curried gravy from his distended rectum.
In the afternoon, a district away from the old city, silk sellers offer all manor of friendliness until there is a refusal to see their shop, and disinterested, they drop away. Rickshaw-wallahs practically running over their prospective customers. Most shops are bordered up today, because the 22 year old son of an influential family was murdered last night. From what our temporary friends told us, it was probably the act of the man's girlfriend's brother, as the family of the girl did not approve.
Retreat to the Shiva Ganga View Paying Guest House to assess the world and wonder, 'Who am I?'

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